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“Masstor – Self Control” stands as the newest anthem of the nightlife scene, and its accompanying video embodies the track’s full splendor. The jury at the Berlin Music Video Awards were exhilarated by this sumptuous, exquisite, ingenious, and sophisticated production. Thus, they awarded this masstor-piece the Best Art Director Award, and well deserved!

Watch the interview with the artist:

Masstor is a musician and artist based in the US. Best described as a “transdimensional supermonster”, Masstor, a colossal creature adorned with vibrant blue skin, towering pink horns, bulging muscles, and pierced nipples, exudes an insatiable zest for enjoyment. The moment Masstor unveiled their complete ensemble, a throng of onlookers swarmed, eager to capture photographic mementos.

Aviel Silook, the founder and producer of BMVA, graciously shares his insights on Masstor’s video, expressing his awe at the unforgettable Art Direction and impeccable set design. The video transports viewers to a different realm with its perfect color coordination, leaving a lasting impression. It is evident that everyone involved in the production was inspired by the captivating cover and willingly fell into its enchanting allure. The artist, although unknown, has had the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed production companies like RiffRaff and their exceptional team. This undoubtedly suggests a promising future for the enigmatic ‘Masstor’, and BMVA is thrilled to be one of the first to support their rise to success.

Watch the video!

PHOTO BY @fotochold.portr

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