Today’s the big day – we announce a very prestigious category… we’re rolling out the red carpet for the BEST DIRECTORS!!!
When every moment in the video is gold.. then you know that the director is a good one. Directors bring both a technical and creative eye to the execution of the music video project. They bring it all together and make it happen! Let’s give it up for the directors!
CREDITS (in order of appearance):
Kalte Liebe – Träume Ohne Wert @kalteliebe65
Label: Hyper-dreams @hyper_dreams
Production: 27km @27km
Director: Florian Christopher @florianchristophr
Carson Coma – Feldobom a Követ @carsoncoma
Production: Kinomoto
Director: Viktor Horvath @vadkezu
Lil Nas X – J CHRIST @lilnasx
Production: SixTwentySix @sixtwentysixco
Director: Lil Nas X @lilnasx
ATARASHII GAKKO! – Tokyo Calling @japan_leaders
Production: Cekai @cekai_jp
Director: Pennacky
Kasseta – PAIN TEARS BLOOD @kasseta____
Production: Shpota Productions
Director: Ilya Shpota @ilyashpota
BOOBA – Saga
Label: Tallac Records / 92i @tallac_records92i
Production: Wanda @wanda_productions
Director: Fred De Pontcharra @fred_depontcharra
21 savage – redrum @21savage
Label: Epic Records @epicrecords
Production: TBA© studios @tbacstudios
Director: Danny Seth @galeriedeseth
SiR & Isaiah Rashad – KARMA @inglewoodsir & @isaiahrashad
Production: North of Now @northofnowfilms
Label: Top Dawg Entertainment @topdawgent
Director: Loris Russier @lorisrussier
Lil Yachty – Say Something @lilyachty
Label: Quality Control Music/Motown Records @qualitycontrolmusic
Production: Happy Place @happyplaceig
Beck Junghyun feat. Astan KA – Love @beck_junghyun
Director: Arabella Bartsch @frauhack