I Ciebie też, bardzo | MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK

You’ve voted and this week’s selection is Męskie Granie Orkiestra 2021 (Daria Zawiałow, Dawid Podsiadło, Vito Bambino) – I Ciebie też, bardzo!

Męskie Granie is a concert tour initiated by Żywiec Brewery every year since 2010. The aim is to present the creative side of the Polish music scene and to encourage the audience to listen to unusual musical experiments. Many major Polish artists participate in the tour every year.

Daria Zawiałow, Dawid Podsiadło and Vito Bambino

This week, both candidates for our MVOTW category had crazy-ass drone camera footage in common, but  this one’s following driving cars, flying up into the sky, through tunnels with projections and amazing scenic locations with light installations. Insane drone operation and choreography overall – a huge well done to the entire team.


Director: MYK Collective

Production Company: Opus Film

Director of Photography: Mateusz Dziekoński

What did you think of the MVOTW? Let us know!

MVOTW is a weekly segment where we highlight videos that have been submitted to us – they don’t determine the festival’s selection yet. Tune into next Wednesday’s Instagram story to vote for your next selection.

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